TURNEN.at wants to be your communication and administration platform. The clear focus is on the gymnastics floor and in mass gymnastics (running, jumping, swimming, ...) for all “active people”. A first import via table (existing member data) ensures a quick start in the online world.TURNEN.at shows the complete Turn10 program including evaluation information and showcase videos.Exercises, lesson plans, examples and dynamic content can also be compiled for participants. The focus is always on integrated external and internal communication.The use of TURNEN.at is available to all associations in the ÖTB and their members free of charge.FOR ACTIVE TURNERSPut together and work on Turn10 exercises yourself on your PC or mobile phone. View exercise videos and recognition criteria for each element with one click.All gymnastic lessons and gymnastics activities in the calendar at a glance.Register for club events with one click.Motivation through the presentation of the training and performance progress and the competition results.FOR VORTURNERManage gymnastics lessons and share information with previously defined teams via the app.Control, document and export attendance at gym lessons with a click (e.g .: COVID-19).FOR club administratorsSimple overview of members including import / export (Excel format, ...).Allocate front gymnasts to the squads, distribute authorizations.Create events, share information, invite neighboring clubs.Send and document e-mail messages to members at the push of a button.